Tata is complicit.

  1. They are complicit. Tata produces many components of “Israel’s” genocidal infrastructure, including weapons, banking services to Zionist settlers, cloud computing infrastructure for the “Israeli” government and the IDF, and armored vehicles to patrol stolen Palestinian land. 

Tata is everywhere.

  1. Right here in our neighborhoods, Tata is manufacturing the building blocks of the “Israeli” death machine.

Tata are liars.

  1. Tata benefits from cultivating a false image of benevolent industrialism and philanthropic community-building while actively engaging in death and destruction.


India is a rising arms supplier.

  1. With growing dissent and calls for arms embargoes in the West, the Zionist entity is turning to new markets to manufacture and purchase arms. India is quickly growing in importance to the Zionists’ genocidal campaign against Palestinians. 

  2. The US is a key broker in the relationship between the two fascist nation-states, and serves as a conduit for knowledge, technology and weapons transfers. As such, we see an imperative to act now and intervene in this relationship.

India funds genocide.

  1. Capitalists within the war machine see “shortages” in supply chains due to wars in Ukraine and Palestine alongside cheaper labor markets in India. The Indian government under Modi, alongside key Indian megacorporations, have capitalized on these new opportunities within the industry of death, and India’s arms exports have risen exponentially, at a rate of 30 times in the last 10 years alone. 

India facilitates colonization in Palestine.

  1. Major Indian conglomerates, including Tata, Adani, Reliance, Infosys, Mahindra, Wipro and many others, have collectively invested billions of dollars in the Zionist entity’s architecture of occupation. These investments span the sectors of agriculture, pharmaceuticals, military, and technology — a total economic embrace. In 2022, the Adani Group acquired the largest port in “Israel”, the Port of Haifa, a key stop for the trillion tons of weapons deployed against the resistance and civilians in Palestine.


  1. Tata is very important to India’s economy. It is one of the largest conglomerates in India, with more than 100 businesses in multiple sectors, and a turnover of more than $150 billion, combined market capitalization of $365 billion. There are 3 Tata companies in top 5 private companies by revenue in India.

  2. Tata has a bloody history. Tata occupies land stolen from indigenous communities. TATA built a factory on stolen Adivasi land in West Bengal, and eventually abandoned its factor in respond to multiple years of farmer led protests. It won its case for damages in the West Bengal Court and received Rs 766 crore (approximately $103 million) plus 11% interest in the Singur plant case.

  3. The history of their factories and plantations, from steel and automobiles to tea and textiles, are strewn with a history of labor exploitation and worker strikes.

  4. Tata has a great image.

    • Tata is known in India as the company that built and industrialized the country.

    • Tata is also perceived as having supported the anti-colonial movement by providing funding to the Gandhi and Indian National Congress. 

    • Two-thirds of Tata Groups’ equity is owned by philanthropic trusts. Tata funds several educational, cultural and health institutions.


Tata is a major player in the India-Israel arms trade and builds critical infrastructure for the Zionist state.

  • In Occupied Palestine:

    • Sends weapons. Tata sends weapon components used in the mass slaughter of Palestinians (electronic receivers, computers, fighter aircraft parts, etc.)

    • Supplies armored vehicles that patrol stolen Palestinian land (Land Rover).

    • Provides banking services. Offering a digital banking platform that serves multiple state ministries and private banking institutions.

    • Maintains IOF’s cloud computing infrastructure. Via Project Nimbus, TCS works with Israel’s state apparatus to provide cloud infrastructure, strengthening the settler colony’s digital control over the occupied territories.

    • Major tech collaborations. Set up multiple R&D partnerships in the occupied territories to strengthen ties between Tata and Israeli startups, and the mobility sector. Tata provides unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), missile defense systems, and other advanced military technology.


  • Employs more than 50,000 people in the US

  • 12 Tata subsidiaries in the US, which includes coffee, tea, hotels, engineering, steel, chemical production, etc.

  • TCS is the largest Tata subsidiary in the US. More than 50% of its revenue comes from US operations. It is the largest Indian sponsor of US work visa (and #5 overall)

  • TCS is the main sponsor of the NYC marathon, the largest marathon in the world.

Tata is a major contributor to solidifying India’s role as a weapons manufacturer and exporter.

  1. Tata Advanced Systems exports specialized defense vehicles to SAARC, ASEAN, African nations, and UN “peacekeeping” forces. 

  2. Tata to open a military vehicle manufacturing plant in Morocco

  3. Joint ventures with Boeing and Lockheed Martin, whereby the weapons manufactured have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan by the US military.

TCS & Project Nimbus

While TCS has had a presence in Israel since 2005, relationships between the company and the Zionist entity reached a new level in 2023 when TCS was selected by the Israeli government as a major client in its Project Nimbus initiative. Project Nimbus aims to migrate Israeli government and military data and operations to a securitized cloud. TCS is part of spearheading these Nimbus-mediated cloud transformations.

Project Nimbus consolidates and expands Israeli surveillance capabilities through the integration and scaling up of AI and machine learning. This system will further entrench the state’s penchant for human rights atrocities and ethnic cleansing towards Palestinians and other persecuted communities in the region.

In the United States, advocacy campaigns have formed and grown over the demand for global IT companies such as Google and Amazon to cease their collaborations with Israel, particularly with regard to Project Nimbus. Employees at these companies have also engaged in protests and other forms of disobedience around this issue, often at great personal risk. Even numerous shareholders have voiced their opposition to these companies committing to be involved in a collaboration that will only intensify Israeli repression and murderous violence. However, these forms of dissent and disruption have not reached TCS offices, distribution centers, or shareholder meetings. Unlike fellow Nimbus contractholders Google and Amazon, to our knowledge TCS complicity to genocide has largely gone unchallenged both externally and openly within the company.